Student safety is one of our top priorities. Making sure students get where they belong as they enter school and at the end of the day is a big task, so your cooperation with the procedures below is greatly appreciated!
Our drop off and pick up procedures will be similar to last year. Please review the information below and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the front office for assistance.

Student Drop-Off
Drop off locations are indicated by yellow arrows. Pick up locations are indicated by blue arrows in the photo.
Students will be dropped off at one of two locations noted in the above by red circles. One drop off location will be along the right side of Cedar Grove Road. Students would be let out of their vehicles near the sidewalk where Mr. Norman and Mr. Ray (our crossing guards) are stationed.
The second location would be directly across from the school entrance on Pine Ridge Drive. Students would exit their vehicles on the right side of the street and wait to be crossed by Mr. Norman or Mr. Ray.
All students would then make their way down the sidewalk and into the front entrance of the school.
Student Pick-Up
All parents that will be picking up students at the end of the day will line up along Cedar Grove Road as shown by the blue arrows above. A staff member will sign each student out to their parent before the student gets in the car. If someone else is picking up your student, please be sure that contact and pick up information in Genesis is up to date so that we can ensure dismissal runs as smoothly as possible.
Please be sure to always have ID with you when picking up your child.