In an effort to control SPAM, we no longer list direct links to staff email accounts.
To contact a staff member, please add the Email Name in front of:
Administrative Team
Email Name
Phone Number Extension
908-722-2400 |
Kristen Kries, Principal |
kkries |
1020 |
Elli Kuras, Secretary |
ekuras |
1020 |
Christine Kilcomons, Clerk |
ckilcomons |
1010 |
Nurse and Guidance Offices |
Maribel Rizzuto, Nurse |
mrizzuto |
1050 |
Caroline Och,
1040 |
4th Grade |
Jennifer Felix |
jfelix |
1307 |
Tara Forsyth |
tforsyth |
1301 |
Madison Hill |
mhill |
1309 |
Olivia McNamara |
omcnamara |
1206 |
Colleen Nejmeh |
cnejmeh |
1308 |
Cristina Pernini |
cpernini |
1205 |
Isabella Russo |
irusso |
1204 |
Kenneth Vaughn |
kvaughn |
1302 |
5th Grade |
Amanda Disbrow |
adisbrow |
1103 |
Karin Elvis |
kelvis |
1111 |
Irene Korol |
ikorol |
1109 |
Paul Mehnert |
pmehnert |
1110 |
Randi Morin |
rmorin |
1107 |
Carrie Santoro |
csantoro |
1104 |
Candace Sharrow |
csharrow |
1102 |
Abbie Sutherlin |
asutherlin |
1106 |
Special Education |
Kristen Andresen |
kandresen |
1306 |
Brigid Casey |
bcasey |
1105 |
Alane Cook |
acook |
1208 |
Noelle Decowski |
ndecowski |
1304 |
Toni Drigon |
tdrigon |
1101 |
Beth Hopkins |
bhopkins |
1207 |
Natalie Kirkpatrick |
nkirkpatrick |
1101 |
Danielle Locascio |
dlocascio |
1303 |
Nina Manger |
nmanger |
1105 |
Alison Manley |
amanley |
1303 |
Instructional Support |
Coleen Barnett |
cbarnett |
1203 |
Ludmila Battista |
lbattista |
1305 |
John Gottshalk
GATE/Enrichment |
jgottshalk |
1202 |
Tracy Harmon |
tharmon |
1305 |
Kathleen Schunk |
kschunk |
1203 |
Instructional Aides |
Kamillah Brown |
kbrown |
908-722-2400 |
Taralyn Fleming |
tfleming |
908-722-2400 |
Monita Haduch |
mhaduch |
908-722-2400 |
Zachary McAloon |
zmcaloon |
908-722-2400 |
Christine Peterson |
cpeterson |
908-722-2400 |
Courtney Rodriguez |
crodriguez |
908-722-2400 |
Steve Simborski |
ssimborski |
908-722-2400 |
Specials |
Kathleen Bontomase,
Instrumental Music |
kbontomase |
1209 |
Mike Clark, PE |
mclark |
1115 |
Sarah Debraski, Media Specialist |
sdebraski |
1212 |
Noel Maroon,
Strings, Vocal Music |
nmaroon |
1113 |
Nicole Orzel, PE |
norzel |
1115 |
Samantha Rueger, Art |
srueger |
1112 |
Esthela Steed (Solano), Spanish
Matthew Zimmerman, Computers |
mzimmerman |
1208 |
Support Staff |
Tara Bisson, CST |
tbisson |
1060 |
Meghan Castellano, Speech |
mcastellano |
1024 |
Lauren Knoke, Literacy Coach |
lknoke |
1210 |
Danielle Puglisi, 3-5 STEM Coach |
dpuglisi |
1210 |
Lauren Ross, BCBA |
lross |
1125 |
Margaret Ryan, Mental Health & Well-Being Social Worker |
mryan |
1211 |
Tiffany Stulack, ESL |
tstulack |
1114 |
Occupational Therapist |
Diane Scholp, OT |
dscholp |
1213 |